OZS Charter Members


The Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated - Omicron Zeta Sigma Alumni Chapter was chartered on November 1, 2009. 

The following brothers represents the charter members of OZS.

Christopher Alston Tyree Anderson Eric R. Banks Ronald K. Booker
Jay R. Braddy G.W. Brathwaite Darryl K. Brock Kermit C. Burks
Christopher M. Butler James C. Butts Arthur Carter III Dion Coward
Kevin M. Davis Cassius Ellis David J. Fagan Moultrie T. Glover, Jr.
Donald J. Jemison Keith J. Johnson Sean A. McDonald Stanley B. Jones
Joseph E. Cadner III Keith Martin Stevenson L. Reed Derrick Melton
Curtis C. Nelson Constantine G. Owens Rodney Spruill Anthony D. Rush
Kirk E. Scott Kevin J. Smith Lawrence Wiley Charles E. Stewart II
Michael E. Stuart Karl M. Thomas Michael E. Wooten Ronald D. Wilkes
OZS Chapter Lineage
Spring 2011: THE FIRΣT BORN
   Initiation Date: April 30, 2011
  1. Darryl Foster - Ace of OZΣ
Spring 2013: THE ΣIX MC's
   Initiation Date: May 4, 2013
  1. Kevin Kyles - NotoriouΣ B.I.G.
  2. Nate Staples - Black Thought
  3. Travis Greene - Macaveli
  4. Gerod Blue - PosdnuΣ
  5. Antonio Murray - Σtickey FingaΣ
  6. Fred Hamn- Method Man
Spring 2015: TRIPHECTA
   Initiation Date: May 9, 2015
  1. Olanre "Ray" Woodrick - Kool-Aid
  2. Julian Sanders - Σkeletor
  3. Robert "RC" Cobbs - Σhaft
   Initiation Date: November 21, 2015
  1. Anthony Monroe - Pig
  2. Byron Pryor - Σmiley
  3. Malcolm Gayden - Norbit
   Initiation Date: November 5, 2016
  1. Scott Martin - Cowardly Lion
  2. Kevin Scales - Σcarecrow
  3. Algie Smith - Tin Man
   Initiation Date: December 16, 2017
  1. Gary Clemons - PythagoraΣ
  2. Darian Reeves - Plato
  3. Keith Williams - ΣocrateΣ
   Initiation Date: May 17, 2019
  1. Dr. Stephen Lee - Duck
  2. Willie Short - J.T.
  3. Mark Ramsey - Eddie King Jr.
  4. Dr. Gary Woodlin - ChoirBoy
  5. Ronald "EJ" Ramsey - DreΣΣer
   Initiation Date: March 27, 2020
  1. Jerome Towner - Blue Creation
  2. Shaun Ricks - Blue Diplomat
  3. Brian Wilson - Blue ViΣion
  4. Marlon Des Vignes - Blue Wonder
  5. Darron Coates - Blue Love
  6. Ja'Von Blunt - Blue PoiΣe
  7. Christopher Alberts - Blue Harmony
  8. Kyle Stanton - Blue Power
  9. Charles Calhoun III - Blue WiΣdom
   Initiation Date: May 1, 2021
  1. Devaughn Rice - Acolyte
  2. LaMario Cato - CatalyΣt
  3. Calvin Tyson - Inquisitor
  4. Christopher Brooks, Sr. - CruΣador
  5. Derrick Wood - Maverick
  6. Earnest Prather - Patriot
  7. Dedric Foreman - Aficionado
  8. Orlando Sumbler - Arbiter
  9. Brandon Rodgers - Contender
Fall 2022: BLUE F.I.Σ.T.Σ
   Initiation Date: November 11, 2022
  1. Phillip Brannon - C.O.
  2. Felton Screen - Double Trouble
  3. Michel Lewis, Jr. - The Rare EΣΣence
  4. Jason Broughton - I.Q.
  5. Demetrius Judkins - Deep Σpirit
Spring 2023: 8 WONDERΣ OF OZΣ
   Initiation Date: June 16, 2023
  1. Donald Jean-Jacques - 1/2 Pint
  2. Matt Bride - World War 2
  3. James Shropshire - PerΣiΣtence
  4. Hassan Williamson - Hannibal
  5. Brian Edmonds - ΣtateΣmen
  6. Al Herbert - IQ2
  7. Maurice Daniel - Mr. Worldwide
  8. Jamar Reed - CheΣterfield
Spring 2024: Σ.I.E.G.E
   Initiation Date: March 8, 2024
  1. Alphonso Coleman - Poppa Σmurf
  2. Joseph Alexander, III - T.O.P. (Tre On Point)
  3. Frank Ogono - H.A.N. ΣOLO (Honorable And Noble One)
  4. Myrion Burns - C.D. (Collateral Damage)
  5. Gregory Curry - A.I. (AlwayΣ In)
  6. Keon Reynolds - L.A.W. (Loud And Wrong)
  7. Jeffrey James - Σilent Σtorm
  8. Elias Isreal - Σ.O.Σ. (Son Of Silence)

The Founders envisioned an organization built on principle and integrity and most of all service. Through brotherhood, scholarship and service Phi Beta Sigma has impacted not only the local communities that we live in but also the world as a whole. Phi Beta Sigma has become a training ground for world, business and community leaders. Our success is based on the depth of commitment, vision and confidence of our members.

Organization Profile
Click here to download a copy of our organization profile.  This document provides a summary of OZS national, local, and future initiatives, our mission statement, and other pertinent information about Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.