Greetings, Brothers, Sorors, and Friends,
On behalf of the brothers of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. - Omicron Zeta Sigma Chapter, I extend a heartfelt welcome to our official website - a hub of information and inspiration. It is my esteemed honor to serve as the fifth President of the Omicron Zeta Sigma Chapter, "The Blueprint of Brotherhood". We are a chapter of professional men committed and dedicated to supporting the Greater Prince Wiliam County and surrounding community.
Brotherhood is the foundation of who we are, the driving force behind our achievements, and the compass that guides our service to humanity. In every initiative, program, and event, we prioritize the values that make us stronger together. Here, you can learn more about our impactful work and discover how we are shaping the future of the communities we serve while staying grounded in our principles.
I invite you to explore this space and join us in advancing the mission of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Thank you for visiting.
Christopher Butler
President, Omicron Zeta SIgma Chapter